Welcome to St. David's 2023 Annual Report

Growing as a Community of Love
Quick FactsMinistry Reports

Letter from the Rector’s Warden, James B. Dolan, Jr.

Calendar year 2023 was one of anticipation, celebration, and transition for St. David’s as our longtime rector and friend, the Rev. W. Frank Allen, announced that he would be retiring. After learning of Frank’s decision to retire, the Vestry swung into gear, retaining a search consultant, and assembling talented and committed Profile and Discernment Committees to prayerfully consider who St. David’s is as a parish, who we want to be, and who we believe is called to be the next rector of St. David’s. The Profile Committee, led by Beth Beckett, crafted a beautiful and thoughtful parish profile that was shared with priests considering whether they were called to be our next rector. The Discernment Committee, led by Susan Scauzzo, has spent months meeting with prospective candidates to prayerfully consider their call to be our spiritual leader. The Vestry is deeply grateful for the work of these committees and is very optimistic that our next rector will be in place by the end of the summer.

While the Profile and Discernment Committees were working to call our next rector, many of you worked to celebrate Frank’s 26 years of ministry and friendship, culminating in the Last Mile celebration at the end of the year. Many thanks to the organizers of that event, Alison Hastings and Molly Zonino, for a joyous occasion that enabled us to publicly celebrate the life and ministry of Frank and Amy Allen at St. David’s.

Notwithstanding the changes in our leadership, the work of the church and the people of the parish continued in 2023 as it has over the past 300 years of our history. In October, the St. David’s Country Fair was held for the 172nd time and raised what is believed to be the highest total ever in support of our outreach efforts, notwithstanding very unfavorable weather. I want to thank Fair Chair, Jennifer Newhall, and everyone who volunteered to make this year’s Fair a rousing success.

We are continuing to see a return of parishioners to Sunday services, our Family Service continues to be a popular choice for families with young children, and attendance at services via livestream remains strong. Many thanks to Geoff Chamberlain, John Lewis, and the livestream team for their work and professionalism in broadcasting our services to the wider community.

The Vestry would like to thank outgoing Vestry members Betsy Spiegel, Liza Whelan, and Jay Baldwin for their service. We will miss their passion for the work of the church, their wisdom, and their fellowship.

After five years of service on the Vestry, including four as Rector’s Warden, this will be my last report to you. Thank you for your support over the years and for all you do for the people of St. David’s.

2023 Quick Facts

Ministry Reports


Liturgy comes from the Greek meaning, “the work of the people.” Worship both takes work and works on us in the process. This work continues to be at the center of our communal life.

We at St. David’s are grateful for those who make this work appear effortless and our worship feel transcendent—altar guild members, acolytes, vergers, readers, chalice bearers, ushers, Flower Guild members, bell ringers, choir members, prayers of the people writers, our Sight & Sound (audio-visual) team members, music staff, clergy, and so many more. It takes all of us to create such beauty that honors our God—not just on Sunday mornings, but for weddings and funerals and all the other special moments in between.

Our worship is also working on us, transforming us for lives as disciples in this world. Our Family Service is a cornerstone of our morning offerings, forming young and old friends alike, bringing the Gospel to life in new ways, and offering safe space for spiritual seekers who have never been to church before or who might be returning to the Christian tradition. It parallels the work of our St. David’s Episcopal Day School, where weekly chapel takes place for young ones.

In our historical Church we continue to share in intimate moments in community, lit by the simplicity of candlelight, surrounded by our ancestors, and finding solace in the rhythm of our liturgy. In the Chapel on Sunday mornings, we continue to experience robust and moving worship, with the beauty of choral music, the special appearance of the brass and other instrumentalists, inspiring homilies, and so much more that draws us closer to God and to one another.

Some highlights from our life together this year include reengaging with our outdoor chapel space and hosting a lovely St. Francis’ Day service and pet blessing, with more outdoor worship experiences expected in 2024. We also celebrated our previous rector at a special service of Christmas Lessons and Carols. We also held another memorable annual Christmas pageant with angels, shepherds, and live animals in tow.

Our work continues as we make Christ known to others in our midst and pray that every breath we breathe may be an act of worshipping our Creator. May our worship and all that we do as St. David’s, continue to glorify our loving, liberating, and life-giving God.

Please click through this gallery of worship images from 2023.


Music at St. David’s continued to thrive and enhance the spiritual beauty of our worship in 2023, while embodying the essence of St. David’s mission. Through participation in the music programs, our singers and ringers of all ages continue learning to know God in Jesus Christ, and every Sunday we make Christ known to others through our music.

One of our most exciting and meaningful events in 2023 was a December Lessons and Carols service led by all our choirs and handbell choirs. This service was in celebration of the Rev. W. Frank Allen’s 26 years of ministry at St. David’s. Below is a recording of “Keep Your Lamps” by André Thomas.

Another inspiring moment of 2023 was when our bell choirs premiered a handbell piece commissioned in loving memory of Nancy Broll. Listen below to the piece “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” by Sondra Tucker.

A key element of the music ministry is our choir trip program, which inspires and galvanizes our choirs, bringing renewed energy into our parish’s worship. The St. David’s Youth Choir traveled to Orlando in January and sang at St. Richard’s Episcopal Church and in a Disney Park. The Adult Choir traveled to the UK in July where they served as a resident choir at Lichfield and then at St. David’s (Wales) Cathedrals.

Grateful to celebrate another year of harmonious singing, weekly fellowship, and everlasting memories that the children and youth music program has provided for our family yet again!

The Kuhn Family

I have sung in numerous church choirs since I was five years old, and have only been singing with the St. David’s choir for just under a year, but there is something uniquely special about this music program. There is such a sense of community and support for one another, with each member dedicated to making the best music we each can. Love comes first, and beautiful music is the result of that love and dedication.

Ali Stahlwood

Looking ahead to 2024, our choirs are excited to be premiering an anthem by English composer Sarah MacDonald on Sunday, June 9, 2024. This anthem was commissioned in celebration of Dr. Clair Rozier’s 25 years of dedicated ministry to St. David’s. We also look forward to another wonderful year of singing and ringing in St. David’s worship services.

Pastoral Care

There are 19 committees that report to the Pastoral Care Commission. Each committee has its own unique qualities and services they provide. The purpose behind Pastoral Care is to serve others in their different seasons of life. For example, the volunteers for our flower delivery ministries arrange and deliver approximately four to five baskets of altar flowers, along with a caring note, weekly to parishioners identified by clergy. The flowers delivered on Mondays and at Easter and Christmas bring joy to both those that receive and deliver them.

Our Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those that are identified by our clergy. The elements which go out have been blessed at the altar and sent out with the prayers of the entire congregation. This reflects our mission statement; “To know God in Jesus Christ and to make Christ known to others.”

The Needleworks Guild makes prayer shawls and prayer squares for both young and old. There were more than 50 heart-shaped items made for the prayer square basket with a tag saying, “You are loved beyond measure”. Prayer shawls are blessed and given to parishioners and those in the community who need warm blessings. The new Learn to Crochet (and knit) group is for all ages and skill levels and continues with purpose and fellowship.

In recognition of the power of personal connection, we are working to enliven the ministries that extend our reach into the wider community through St. David’s Visitors, Driving Angels, and the training of additional Stephen Ministers. Another effort will be to raise the awareness of the multidimensional role of pastoral care in the life of the church. This is just a brief glimpse into what the Pastoral Care Commission does for our parishioners and surrounding community.

I was thinking back on the beautiful meal you made for us at such a vulnerable time, and I wanted to thank you again for fixing and delivering it with such care. You made such a difference.


Dear Pastoral Care Ministry,
Thank you so much for the Easter Flowers delivered with thoughts and prayers for God’s love and strength. It means a lot to me in feeling God’s love more meaningfully in my journey through life.

Easter Flower Recipient


In living out our faith to know God in Jesus Christ and to make Christ known to others, the Outreach Commission is dedicated to supporting and developing partnerships with those in need.

In 2023, St. David’s Outreach awarded $191,324 to 23 partners in the local Philadelphia area and to our long-time international partners in Cuba, Guatemala, Iraq, and Uganda. The funds were raised from the 171st Annual St. David’s Fair (held in October 2022), the Gift Shop & Art Gallery, World Gifts, and from our Outreach Endowment. The grants are awarded after much prayerful discussion and analysis. We prioritize funding organizations that are affiliated with the Episcopal (Anglican) Church, organizations that involve St. David’s parishioners, programs that promote self-sufficiency, projects that have a clear start and finish and organizations within the Philadelphia area or our international partners. Our grants covered the needs of our partners in the areas of building, education, feeding, health care and housing. St. David’s worked with our partners throughout 2023 to share fellowship and build stronger relationships and a sense of community. In so many ways, our partners inspire us with their deep faith and the warm welcome they provide to us when we come together.

Now the Lord allows us to work together on this beautiful project [water purification system] with our communities. I always appreciate all the dedication, solidarity, and delivery of each of you.

The Rev. Carmen, Cuba

Thank you, St. David’s, for feeding us!

The children at Trinity Children’s Centre in Mpigi, Uganda

In 2023 we were grateful to spend more time with our partners. We were able to make many visits in the Philadelphia area and traveled to Uganda in November for the first time in four years, a gap due to the pandemic. We look forward to more visits in 2024 and to starting our year with Adult and Youth Forum on Sundays discussing our Outreach partners and efforts. We’ll also plan a week of service to get more parishioners involved in our many partnerships through service and fellowship. Please come and join us, you will receive more than you give.

[We are] grateful to St. David’s for your longtime investment in our programming. We are grateful to the St. David’s parishioners for their volunteer support as well as the many in-kind donations.

Family Promise of the Main Line

Click the image below to scroll a gallery of photos from outreach activities this past year.

Clergy lead:  Rev. Thomas Szczerba, Outreach Commission: Jay Baldwin, Chris Campbell, Vincent Dixon, Joanne Frey, Nereida Gordon, Alison Hastings, Carol Kangas, Leslie Lewis, Dale Power, Lois Redmond, Leslie Roy, Sarah Schoettle, and Elizabeth Vandiver.

Christian Formation

We experienced a growing sense of engagement in our children, youth, and family formation this year. Some of the highlights include the robust attendance at the high school adventure retreat to New River Gorge, WV as well as the reintroduction of summer youth events, which enabled healthy growth and connection throughout the summer months. We experienced an exceptional level of engagement in our children’s ministry around the service project aspects of Sunday morning – including outreach to Family Promise, St. Gabriel’s Church, and a local pet shelter. StoryMakers NYC recognizes that children are diverse learners, so each resource offers many points of entry to connect with children where they are.

This was the most powerful Eucharist I have ever experienced.

Anonymous, Philadelphia Eleven pilgrim

It has been an exciting program year for our adults, full of transformational moments, relationship building, and deep dives together.

Some of these transformational moments were day-long offerings. We hosted a moving pilgrimage to the Church of the Advocate, where the Philadelphia Eleven, the first women priests in the Episcopal Church, were ordained as an act of sacred witness and protest unjust power structures. One parishioner spoke of our time together saying, “this was the most powerful Eucharist I have ever experienced.” We continued with an Advent Quiet Day and looked forward to a mini-retreat on Holy Saturday, 2024.

There are numerous other ways to be formed at St. David’s, including Education for Ministry, spiritual direction, and our six Bible studies that engage parishioners from a diversity of backgrounds. These are sacred spaces where love flows between us all and difficult conversations are addressed. One parishioner said of our women’s Bible study, when it was “off” for a week, “I missed today’s Bible study and the sense of community we’re creating.” These offerings are grounding points for our weeks and our lives.

Another special “thank you,” to all of those who contributed to our annual Lenten devotional and podcast in 2023. One friend couldn’t help but proclaim, “WOW,” when reflecting on multiple reflections from beloved siblings in Christ.

“WOW”… God is up to some good things here at St. David’s

Confirmation classes have really changed since I took them years ago! I want to congratulate you on capturing students’ attention and teaching the word of the Lord.

Wendy McDevitt

Our children and youth take the call to “know Christ” seriously. Midweek and Sunday formation for children has focused on helping us to better understand God’s redemptive narrative throughout scripture. Middle and High School youth group has been a time to come together in fellowship to learn more about Jesus and share their lives with each other. The Edge Youth Group for 4th & 5th graders has been a great opportunity to build relationship outside of the Christian Formation time. Our activities have included team building, rock climbing, and a Christmas party themed around the movie, “Elf”. One important thing we have seen this year is students inviting their friends: a key way of making Christ known to others!

I’m taking home from this retreat meeting God in nature. Through all the activities it was special to be with others and recognize all the beauty around us.

Ellie Biborosch

The St. John’s Soup Kitchen on the first Sunday of each month reflects the values of love, generosity, joy, welcome, inspiration, and compassion. It is amazing to see students of all ages and their families participate in this ministry!

One of the biggest lessons we have learned is that students and families crave intergenerational formation and fellowship. Our hope is to take this lesson into 2024 to have less age -sliced and -siloed ministries here at St. David’s. It will take a community effort to achieve this!

Sunday forums this past year kicked off with a series from the Rev. W. Frank Allen on the gifts of the Spirit, centered around his booklet on Spiritual Gifts. This was followed by a series on the Fruits of the Spirit as found in Galatians 5 and then on three parables of growth. We brought in speaker Dr. Ilia Delio to talk about “God, Evolution, and the Power of Love” and finished April with a session on pilgrimage ahead of some expected pilgrimage offerings in the fall. As fall began, so with it came a pedagogical shift in the process of Adult Forum. We began by exploring our Baptismal Covenant and focused on small group conversations instead of a fully didactic approach. This was enthusiastically received and so we are carrying that momentum into 2024. Adult Forums are interspersed throughout the year with opportunities for intergenerational forums and two highlights took place during Advent with wreath making and the first MaryPalooza event, celebrating the Mother of Jesus.

I missed today’s Bible study and the sense of community we’re creating.

Anonymous, Women's Bible study participant


The Fellowship Commission has had a busy and fun-packed year. We continue to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others through fun activities, delicious meals, engaging speakers, helpful projects, and giant bonfires.

Men’s and Women’s Fellowship ministries have been busy! The men continue their tradition of monthly breakfast with fun and interesting speakers, have worked on service projects at Thistle Hills in Coatesville, gone fishing and shooting and had a very well-attended retreat. The women have engaged in flower arranging, a fall retreat, and a host of other events with fabulous speakers.

The St. David’s Country Fair was, again, a resounding success this year with more than $100, 000 in net profit to be distributed to our partners through Outreach Grants. The Fair is an incredible example of the power of community, and we give special thanks to Jennifer Newhall and Courtney Alexander, our chair and vice chair respectively, for their leadership and hard work. The fellowship that results from the Fair cannot be duplicated and we are so grateful for the efforts of all.

“Welcome & Connect” continues to be the gracious and hospitable team who shepherd new members into our parish. We have added many new and friendly people to this team of gracious greeters, and they welcome with a smile all our new friends and help them to be comfortable in their new church home.

Young Adults group of 20-30 somethings, meets monthly for brunch and has grown in number over the last year. The solid group of friends continues to build momentum and has plans for more meet ups in the coming year.

Foyer Dinner Groups has grown over the past year, too! This bunch, with over 60 members, meets in small groups for dinner in homes throughout the year. It is a great way to meet new people and get to know them while sharing a meal in an intimate setting. If you are looking for a new friend, this ministry might be for you!

We look forward to the future of fellowship and know that our talents as a group will be called on to welcome new friends and, God willing, a new rector in the near future. We hope to see you at an event soon!

St. David’s Episcopal Day School

Under the continued strong leadership of Head of School, Margaret Biester, and Assistant Head, Amy Darst, in 2023 we welcomed 102 students into our halls with the largest student body SDEDS has had since its inception in 2018. The hallways are full of excitement for learning and friendship.

I get to smile a lot.” And, “I love my teachers!

Our Pre-K students, when surveyed about what they love about school

Through monthly service projects our students live out our mission to provide joy and comfort to those in our community who need it. Within our own school, classes have partnered to strengthen bonds within our hallways. Kindergarten students exemplify leadership through a reading buddy program.

Our students are the reason we wake up every day and continue to live out this mission. I think it’s safe to safe that we’ve accomplished our mission to create joy in a godly community.

In my judgment, the creation of SDEDS is the single best decision this church [St. David’s] has made in the 20+ years we have been members.

Advisory Board member and grandparent of SDEDS students

Whole-school chapel, which was recently instated, brings together the whole student body together in worship. Our prior school chaplain, the Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton retired in the summer and Pastor Emily Given began in the fall, providing accessible worship to students of all ages.

In 2024 we look forward to continuing to grow and develop a sense of community with our new incoming families. We are working on a few initiatives to welcome new families over the summer of 2024. Our current students will be putting together a welcome video for new students and their families. We strive to continue to strengthen our connection to the parish community.

Click the image below to scroll a gallery of photos from school activities this past year.


St. David’s steeple now doubles as a Verizon cell tower due to the efforts of the Property Commission and staff. The previous steeple was replaced with a new one that has the cell antennas built inside the structure. The revenue generated from the rent is $32,400 which will be put into our capital reserve for future projects.

Parish workdays sponsored by the property commission bring our community together and promote fellowship at St. David’s.
(Near right: Parish work day to repaint the Parish House, home of the Szczerba family, in February 2023)
(Far right: Parish work day in the Arboretum and Julip Run, April 2023)

We are a welcoming community, and nothing says welcome better than a well-lit staircase. This year the property commission lit the stairwell from school to Chapel creating a safe and illuminated walk from one area to the other. This project also enhanced the parking lot lights with new LED lights that are brighter and more cost-effective.

The Property Commission is working in conjunction with the Finance Commission to steward a short- and long- term property plan that includes both implementation and the ability to financially plan for necessary projects.


The stewardship theme for 2023 was Giving in Grace. As we entered 2023, we were excited and optimistic about the recent move back to in-person gatherings and were feeling God’s grace. We asked you to consider grace in your life, and as stewards of St. David’s, we requested your financial commitment to our ministries, our staff, and our campus.

We set a goal for raising $2,225,000, and you responded: 537 families pledged $2,278,621. We fervently thank you for supporting St. David’s. Your generosity supports the following:

  • Our beautiful campus helps define us, allowing us to praise God and grow in grace. We endeavor to use every brick, board, and corner of our property to do God’s work. The costs to power and maintain this incredible property continue to rise due to the pressures of inflation.
  • Our talented, caring, and dedicated staff enables all we do as a church community. We need to be mindful of them in these challenging times.
  • Our ministry partners support some of the most vulnerable people. These people feel the impact of COVID-19, inflation, and natural disasters far more than most. Our partners’ need is great and unfortunately becoming even greater.

The video linked here highlight some of the great work we do as a congregation:

In June, we gathered at the rectory to celebrate St. David’s 1715 Society. The 1715 Society recognizes those individuals who have made lifetime or testamentary gifts to St. David’s through their wills. This legacy giving program honors the year of our founding as a church in 1715. We welcomed over 30 current members and many others interested in learning more about this planned giving ministry. For more information, please contact the stewardship team or click here.

As the year ended, we launched our 2024 Annual Giving drive alongside a campaign to honor our retiring rector, The Rev. W. Frank Allen. If you have not pledged yet for 2024, please visit this link or contact the stewardship team.

The Stewardship Commission would like to thank the parish for its contributions to our parish community! We are grateful for the generosity of our parishioners. Together we have built a wonderful community at St. David’s. 


I am happy to report to you that our church is in very solid financial shape. We are a church blessed with a strong balance sheet, no debt, and a history of clean audit reports (the auditors are still working on our 2023 results). Below are highlights of our financial year in review. Please look at the key results included in the table below. The numbers affirm our solid financial status, yet these same numbers remind us we have some more work to do.

Lord God, we thank you for the many blessings given to us.

  • For our talented staff and clergy who have dedicated themselves to St. David’s and cherish this community as much as we do. We are fortunate beyond words for all they do for us.
  • For all our parishioners. Your gifts of money, time, and energy have transformed St. David’s from a house of worship to a community of love.
  • For this bucolic 39-acre campus that is home for our church buildings and our many ministries.
  • For the gifts from past generations who help us assure that we can do God’s work well into the future.

I want to spend a minute talking about the gifts of past generations, particularly our endowments. Our endowments are directed by a team of parishioners along with accomplished banking and investment executives. The endowments are cost-effectively administered by a leading global firm. The goal is to produce income for our operating budget while preserving the principal that has been given to us. Our returns were nearly 16% last year.  Additionally, the Buck family gifted us with a bequest of $1.5 million.

Another group of parishioners leads the 1715 Society.  This team can help guide you to include St. David’s in your estate planning. It is vitally important that we continue to grow our endowment to assure the parishioners after us can enjoy the same blessings that we do now.

Let’s consider the financial results included in the table below.

The first thing to notice is the pledge income is consistently above $2,000,000 and our total revenue floats around $3,000,000. The difference between pledged income and total revenue is from additional gifts we receive and the money we draw from the endowments. More good news, our average and median pledges have increased over the years.

Yet, the trend of flat pledge dollars and declining pledge units is concerning. The parish survey that we conducted as part of the initial steps in the rector search revealed that we need to better connect our generosity to our spirituality. Said another way, our giving lags our peers in other churches.

However, last year the parish stepped up in a big way to honor the Rev. W. Frank Allen’s 26-year ministry with us. We were able to establish an endowment for new ministry in Frank’s name approaching $650,000. This is another great example of one St. David’s generation helping the next.

Life’s Big Events Honored in 2023



Margaret Judith Hoge
Elizabeth Douven Murdoch
Henry Palko
Marshall Bixler Hallett
Ensley Eliza Patterson
Dylan Lanahan Brillman
Anastasia Marie Hutchinson
Foster Graham Knighton
Hudson Dominic Porter
Audrey Rose Courtney
James Richard Miller
Ever Frances Crymes
Ava Douglas
George Robert Kelly
Brie Tessa Sparks
Harrison Francis Hughes
Marshall Bixler Hallett

Maurie Curran
Daniel J. Guercio
Charlotte Elizabeth Morello
Emma Lucinda Morello
Lilian Catherine Dickhart
Finnegan Roscoe
Claire Christine Lemmon
Ann Elise Lemmon
Gavin Griffith DePaul
Grace Hauptfuhrer Balmer
Lauren Frankenburger
Caden Finn McAllister
Taryn Sloan McAllister
Amelia Della Maxwell
Lucy Hopkins Hullings
Giuliana Noelle Neclerio

Willa Clarke Abbott
Elisabeth ‘Birdie’ Wallace Abbott
Georgia Barton Biggers
James William Biggers
Charles Thomas Flaherty
William Saam Strue
Beau Marick Zimmerman
Maren Elizabeth Connell
Dylan Lorello
Xavier Chase Waters
Maggie Sophia Shohfi
Theodore Thomas Ravenfeld
Mason Zachary Scorzetti
Spencer Wahl Scorzetti
Miles Priem Scorzetti
Marley Olive Hamilton

Confirmations & Receptions

Youth Confirmands
Emma Auer Anderson
Eleanor Lyne Biborosch
Henry Allan Cook
Hudson Richard Coulson
Orlaith Anne Dill
John Barker Ford
Abigail Jean Ostendorf Guidi
Wynn McCann Hastings
Caroline Bennett Havey
Grant James Itin
Meredith Amelia Johnson
Michael Gregory Johnson

Aubrey Claire Lane
Graham Alexander Lane
Gloria Grace Longstreth
Danby Gale Morrison
Connor Matthew Myers
John Hendry Myers
Caroline Elizabeth Myers
Catherine Alyse Naylor
William Michael Naylor
Gray Gerard Norton
Brynn Alix Penny
Lucia Abigal Salata

Michael Rosario Venneri
Andrew Beck Walker
Wesley Payson White
Cora Elizabeth Witcher
James Avery Witcher

Adult Confirmands
Diane Christine Henderson
Carrie Elizabeth Methven

Adult Receptions
Domenica Versace Rafferty
Patrick John Rafferty

High School Graduates

Louisa Andreuzzi
Sadie Bell
Nicole Bolis
Elizabeth Boruff
Camden Cheshire
May Civitella
Lucas Costa
Robert Cullen
Deirdre Cunniffe
Fiona Cunniffe
Hayden Dash
Claire Dornak
Guinevere Dunn
Jeremy Friend
Lillian Games
Stephen Graver
Sydney Graver

Arden Gray
William Gresh, III
Dawson Hastings
Sarah Hegg
Graham Rhoads Henderson
Shaw Huston
Drew Jennings
Andrew Kampf
Nina Kirkpatrick
Andrew Kirwan
Sarah Kotapka
Wm. Brooks Larsen, Jr.
Katharine Lerch
Edith MacKenzie
Sarah McCarthy
Alexandra McCulloch

Maura McHugh
Drew Merschel
Boden Miller
Dylan O’Mara
Maeve O’Murchu
London Pettibone
Haley Ray
Evelyn Schenkel
William Sloan
Molly Stuber
Ashe Thornberg-Payne
Ryan Van Dusen
Sofia Voorhees
Olivia Walters
Wyatt Young
Justin Zebro

Welcome New Members

Courtney Nelson, Max Courtney, Savannah Courtney, and Audrey Courtney
Charles and Helen Myers
David and Donna Shumaker
Craig and Kelly Bunting
Norman and Ida McCausland
Bill and Carolyn Hoffman
Daniel and Kathryn Hutchinson
Geri Marchiafava

Welcome New Clergy & Staff

The Rev. Sarah A. Dunn, Associate Rector
Julie Wiant, Chief Operating Officer


Caralyn Rammel to Brian Murphy
Leighann Robinson to William Rennie
Nathan David Bachynski to Faye Bailey Kimmel
Lindsay Ann Buvel to Andrew Stress
Hailey Ann Tutton to Shane Patrick Hickey
Caroline Patterson Nagy to John Boyle Cramer, Jr.
Julia Bests Lustander to Theodore Justice Morgan


Transfers Out

Lisa and Michael McDonnell
Dr. Raymond Jones and Patricia Jones

Staff Departures

The Rev. W. Frank Allen, Rector
The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton, Associate Rector
The Rev. Ken McCaslin, Deacon
Leslie Robertshaw, Parish Administrator

In Memoriam

Joanne K.S. Lippard
Elia Buck
Julia Wood Sellers
James Robbins Harper
Edwina Jacoba Staargaard
Burton Chance Sellers
Alfred Gillis
Mary W. Garbett
Kathryn Clouser Kinney
Pamela Rinda Elters
Craig A. Guthrie
Steven Kent Chance
Donald Crawford
Ann Stotsenburg Crawford
Alan Campbell Fitts
Tucker Harrington
Juliet Carrington Reed
Louise Butler
Harriet Kummerlowe
William Van Alen, III
William Clifton Buck

John Barton Rettew
Jane Eva McCabe Kelly
Robert Ridgway Bishop
Barbara Joan Hanscom Graham
Fisher Dixon Chapman
Hugh Charles Fallon
Ethel (Atell) M. Fallon
Jason Taylor MacElree
Paul W. Stewart, Jr.
Cynthia Whitney Drayton
Susan Stoodt Murray
Warren James Adair
Eleanor Parsons
Myra Morris Fuguet
Ildikó dePapp Carrington
Lynn Palmer Surgner
Caroline Culley Stine Liberti
Winfield Amos Foreman, III
Heatley Dulles Sebring
Bernard Allen Francis, Jr.

Susan Pamela Bowers
Barbara Cornwell
Elora Joyce Khan
Douglas McWhirter Moore
Susan Gamble Feinour
Jane Croll Tiffany
Constance “Fytie” Drayton
Karen Devine Janney
Melissa Lowe Vosburgh
Patricia Greenwood
Christina Visco
Elizabeth Pierpont
Gordon Frederick Bottomley
Quincy Norris Williams
Holly Hoch Tyson
Kenneth Barnes Anderson
Harriet Ellen Best Sweeton
Arthur Heathcote Hacker, III
John Joseph Bonder
William James Latta

2023 Year in Review Video