2025 Vestry Nominations

Dear Members of St. David’s,

We are seeking your recommendations.

As we have done for the last eight years, at the annual meeting in May we will be presenting a slate of four new members to serve on the Vestry for a four-year term. This is an exciting opportunity for the right person, as we have lots of exciting work ahead of us in this time of transition and newness.

We wish to have an open and inclusive process for identifying new Vestry members who will provide lay leadership as they govern, recognizing their responsibility for oversight of church property and finances, as well as supporting stewardship and working with the rector.

Candidates for Vestry must be known to and have a history with the Treasurer, be over the age of 21, and ideally, have served on a commission.

We are asking interested persons to volunteer to serve and encouraging members of the Parish to nominate candidates whom they believe are qualified for the Vestry. All suggestions will be handled confidentially and can be sent electronically to Robin Ford, our secretary at rhfordpa@gmail.com or Jeff Rohrbeck, our Junior Warden at J.C.Rohrbeck@ieee.org before the deadline of Friday, February 21st.

Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request.

The Vestry of St. David’s Church