Archives Committee

God has spoken to and through the people of St. David’s (Radnor) Church through the centuries. Collecting and preserving our archival materials, past and present, enables us to honor this heritage and share our story, thus making Christ known to others.
The committee carries out this mission in several ways:

Cataloging the material in the Committee’s possession

Collecting Current Records for Archiving

    • On Wednesday mornings a convivial group gathers in the Archives room to collect and organize records for inclusion in our collection.

Creating rotating displays in the hallway between the Chapel Narthex and St. David’s Hall

Publishing Historical Material of St. David’s

Producing a Summer Talk Series

View the video below for a presentation by Dr. Joe Bonn about the history of research, decisions, and events that brought St. David’s the Opus 84: A Pipe Organ for the 4th Century of St. David’s Church.

Summer Archives Talks

Wednesdays in July at 7 p.m.

No event found!

View past talks on our YouTube Channel.

Published Booklets by the Parish History & Archives Committee

Seeking Descendants of St. David’s Revolutionary War soldiers

[November 7, 2022]

The Parish History & Archives Committee is currently attempting to identify information on the past members who participated in the Revolutionary War. Many are buried at St. David’s Churchyard. Anthony Wayne is probably the most well-known. There are other less famous here as well. Some also are buried in other locations, and were active in the Church at the time of the War. Please find a list below of the people of particular interest. If you are a descendant or connected in some way and have and are willing to provide information, it would be helpful for this project. We would be glad to see what you have. Thank you.

Please contact Chas Wargo through Archives.

Revolutionary War Soldiers Buried in the Churchyard

Major General Anthony Wayne (1745-1796); Vestryman

Captain (Navy) William Hayman (1740-1823); Vestryman

Major (Militia) William Brooke (1746-1929); Vestryman, [a General in War of 1812]

Captain John Hunter (1747-1821); Vestryman

Corporal Hugh Jones (1748-1796); Vestryman

Private (Militia) Robert Mather (1743-1818); Vestryman

Private Philip Sheaff (1741-1829); Vestryman

Private (Militia) Richard Currie (@1750-1776)

Thomas Read (ca,1726-1804); Vestryman

John Roberts (ca.1737-1790)

John Thomas (1755-1850)

Revolutionary Soldiers from St. David’s buried elsewhere

Lt. Col. (Militia) Richard Willing (1744-1798); Vestryman

Captain Samuel Van Leer (1747-1825); Vestryman

The Rev. Slater Clay (1747-1821); Rector [Civil Service in Delaware]

Lt. Col. Isaac Hughes (1747-1782); Vestryman

First Lieutenant Ross Currie

Surgeon William Currie

Private Peter DeHaven (1741-1822); Parish Clerk

Griffith James (d. 1812) “Patriotic Services”

Private Samuel Smiley, Jr. (1760-1831)

Service not clear

John Sturgis

John Taylor

Indigenous Land Acknowledgement

We remember and honor the Indigenous people of the world, especially the Lenape, also known as the Lenni-Lenape or Delaware Indians. We acknowledge that St. David’s Church stands on the land that was once their home called the “Lenapehoking”. We acknowledge the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, the Lenape remaining in their homeland in New Jersey and Delaware, and the Lenape diaspora represented by nations based in Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Ontario. We give thanks for them and express our gratitude for their witness on how to live a life that is honorable and humble. May we always remember that the Earth does not belong to us; that we belong to the Earth, and that we are all relatives in life. Help us to learn from our past and be instruments of justice and peace for all people in today’s world, particularly the original Indigenous inhabitants.

Learn more about the Lenape Nation in Pennsylvania.

Learn more about Indigenous Ministries in The Episcopal Church. 

We would welcome volunteers who enjoy discovering, organizing, describing and cataloging the materials in our collection. Contact Marianne Cook for details.