Sarah Dunn’s farewell note

Dear Friends in Christ,

The book of Ecclesiastes eloquently reminds us, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” During the last year, my family has gone through immense transition and encountered a difficult season. In recent days I have discerned that this is a time when I need to focus my attention on those closest to me, due to health challenges, family dynamics, and more. There have been struggles of which some of you are aware, and others that have been kept close to the chest. Therefore, I have discerned that my time at St. David’s is much shorter than I would ever have imagined. As of Sunday, September 15, I will be taking leave from our beloved congregation, as I discern what are the right next steps for myself and my family. Please know that this was far from an easy decision. I take with me many fond memories and beautiful relationships. There are so many of you I love so dearly, and am grateful for your friendship. I am hopeful that I will still be physically present in this diocese, continuing to build community, and working on my family’s urban homestead in Drexel Hill. I will hold you all close in prayer during your continued transition, and I ask that you hold me close in prayer during my own journey. I am hopeful that this time away from parish ministry will be an opportunity for healing for myself and those I love.

God’s abundant peace and steadfast love,

The Rev. Sarah Dunn

Published September 11, 2024