“Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
– Matthew 25:37-40
Growing up in Colombia and Venezuela, Epiphany has always been a big deal in my family. Especially the story of the Wise Men and their journey to bring gifts to honor the infant Jesus. Each year on the eve of Epiphany, children put out water and hay to help the Wise Men in their journey to visit the Christ child. In exchange, small gifts of thanks are left for the children. My daughter still remembers the excitement she had as a child of helping those camels make the journey.
Just as children have imagined a way to help the Wise Men, and the Wise Men journeyed to share their gifts with the infant Jesus, God has equipped us all with gifts that we can share with others. For whenever you welcome a stranger, or give clothes, food, or care to those in need, you care for Jesus. Note that this exchange is relational: we give of ourselves, and God gives back to us through others.
Here at St. David’s, we are a Church on this very mission to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others. One of the ways we put our mission of faith into action is through our Outreach ministries. These ministries connect us with those in need so that we can care for others in the way God calls us to do.
One of the priorities of our Rector, the Rev. Rick Morley, is “to find some creative ways to communicate the remarkable successes of our outreach ministries.” In the coming months we will be highlighting these Outreach Ministry opportunities in our newsletters, Sunday announcements, and social media. This gives us a chance to also hear about each of our ministry partners. If you want to learn more check out the Outreach section of the St. David’s website under ministries. Or reach out to me at tregli@stdavidschurch.org or 484-588-4034.
I invite you to join me as we listen, learn, and journey to honor Christ Jesus. As we seek to share our gifts with those in need, Christ can be known to us and to those we serve.
The Rev. Tanya Regli
Associate Rector
Published on January 9, 2025.