Christ’s Hands and Feet in the World

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27

Dear People of St. David’s,

Last week, when I was speaking with Frank, he asked me if there was anything about St. David’s that surprised me in my first two months here. What a good question. I hadn’t really taken the time to think about it. I have been so interested in getting to know all of you and the wonderful ministries of St. David’s that I haven’t taken the time to reflect on a question like that.

The more I thought about the question, the more I thought about outreach. I knew that St. David’s had a robust outreach program before I got here, but I was surprised to learn about how many people St. David’s reaches through our outreach partners. The work all of you do to help those in our community and the world is amazing! This parish is truly Christ’s hands and feet in the world and I am grateful to be a small piece of that.

Recently, I had the privilege of meeting with parishioner, Tony McGeorge. Tony is the Interim Head of School at The Phelps School. Like so many Americans, Tony was moved by the plight of Ukraine and its people. To that end, he helped create a project called “Project Safe Harbor,” (not to be confused with the Safe Harbor Program in West Chester). Safe Harbor provides full scholarships and placement to qualified Ukrainian boys and girls in grades 7-12 and high school postgraduates at American Military and Civilian Boarding Schools.

Among the program’s challenges are “Homestays” for the boys and girls during school breaks over the academic year. Tony asked if I could reach out to our congregation to see if anyone would be interested in participating as homestay families. The need is to provide a place for these boys and girls at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. If you are interested, please email Tony McGeorge at or call 610-220-1763. In addition, parishioners interested in volunteering to work on this project aside from homestays should use the same contact information. There are many ways to get involved in outreach at St. David’s. If this is a ministry that God is calling you to, please reach out. If this opportunity doesn’t work for you, click here to check out all the other ways to get involved!

See you in church!

The Rev. Thomas Szczerba, Jr.