2023-24 Confirmation Registration Form

2023-24 Confirmation Registration

Please register and pay for confirmation by October 1, 2023. Classes begin in January 2024.

"*" indicates required fields

Confirmand Information

Confirmand Full Name*
City, State, Country (if not USA)
Baptism is required for Confirmation. Please place all zeros in this field if the confirmand has yet to be baptized. Elliot VanHoy will contact you about baptismal preparation.
Church of Baptism Address*
Please be sure to give us the confirmand's phone number (and not a parent's number). Texting will be a key communication mode for the program.
T-Shirt Size*
(Adult Sizes)
Each confirmand is asked to select their own mentor for the length of the program. (It is the perfect opportunity for a Godparent to serve in this capacity.) This mentor should be a local adult who has an active spiritual life and is willing to share their faith. This person should not be a parent or step parent of the confirmand. If you would like assistance selecting a mentor or have additional questions, please indicate that in the space above. The scope of commitment is at lease three meetings, participation in three Sunday classes, and presence at Confirmation Vigil (June 1) and Confirmation (June 2). You may also contact Elliot VanHoy for additional information - evanhoy@stdavidschurch.org.

Parent/Guardian #1 Information

Parent/Guardian 1 Name*
Parent/Guardian 1 Address*
Texting will be a key notification mode for parents/guardians, in addition to emails.

Parent/Guardian #2 Information

Parent/Guardian 2 Name
Parent/Guardian 2 Address
Please complete, if different than confirmand or parent/guardian #1.

Emergency Contact (Non-Parent)

Emergency Contact Name*

Additional Information, Permissions, and Acknowledgements

Parent/Guardian Ministry Opportunties*
Adult participation is key to a well-run program and a meaningful family experience. Please select one or more ways you plan to support Confirmation this year.
Photo and Video Release*
May we use the image of your confirmand in church-related publications, website, livestream, and social media?
Would you like to be added to the St. David's Youth Ministry parent email list?*
Would you like the Confirmand to be added to the Youth Ministry text notifications?*
Participation and Attendance Commitment*
I recognize that Confirmation is a significant faith milestone. I commit to 85% attendance in order to be confirmed.
Date of Confirmation Vigil and Service*
I recognize the Confirmation Vigil and Dinner will be held on June 1, and Confirmation will held on June 2 at St. David's Church. Both dates are required.
There is a $75.00 fee to participate in confirmation programs this year. Please indicate how you intend to pay. Scholarships are available by contacting Elliot VanHoy. Payment is due by October 1.