Centering Prayer Monday – online
7 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
Centering prayer is a prayer of silence that offers a time to BE with God rather than a time to DO with God. We come to God in stillness and silence with an intention of opening our mind and heart to God and deepening our relationship with the living Christ. We experience God’s presence and action within us, beyond breathing and thinking and closer than consciousness itself.
Centering Prayer is a very simple prayer. Showing up with our intention to open to the Spirit is all that is required. Fr. Thomas Keating always said that the only way to fail at Centering Prayer is to get up and leave the prayer time. As long as our intention is to be with God in the silence, we believe that God honors that intention. Centering prayer is a time for non-judgment. It is a time to receive the gift of God’s grace.
All are invited to explore Centering Prayer at either or both of our weekly gatherings. The facilitator is happy to offer instruction to anyone new to the prayer. We start with a short opening reading, share 20 minutes of the silence of centering prayer and close by saying the Lord’s Prayer together. We hope you will join us!
Meeting ID: 817 2768 9648
Passcode: 015753
Phone in number: 929.205.6099