Faith Matters: Living Discipleship Practices
with Theologian in Residence, The Rev. Jenifer Gamber
Friday, March 25 – Sunday, March 27
The Rev. Jenifer Gamber will join us for a weekend of learning how we can show how Faith Matters through intergenerational, living discipleship practices. There will be faith story-sharing and interactive worship and prayer experiences all centered around five core practices: pray, learn, serve, give, and share.
Sessions will be held Friday evening and Saturday morning. The Rev. Gamber will also preach at Sunday morning 9:15am worship in the Chapel, followed by teaching at the Adult Forum that follows. Scroll down for more information and registrations.
Ordained to the priesthood in 2019, The Rev. Jenifer Gamber has served the Episcopal Church for most of her life as a layperson committed to the ministry of forming disciples. She treasures her ministry preparing candidates for baptism and confirmation and supporting a lifelong journey of life in Christ.
She is the author of several books for Episcopalians, including two books of prayers: Common Prayer for Children and Families with Timothy J.S. Seamans and Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People with Sharon Pearson, and two books to prepare candidates for sacramental commitments: My Faith, My Life: A Teen’s Guide to the Episcopal Church and Your Faith Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Jenifer Gamber lives with her husband Ed and her Westie, Carrie, on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., and currently serves as the founding Director of the School for Christian Faith and Leadership and the Tending Our Soil Thriving Congregations initiative in the Diocese of Washington.
Friday, March 25, 2022
“Sharing Our Faith Stories”
6:00pm | St. David’s Hall (Chapel)
All ages are encouraged to attend.
Sharing our faith is a core practice of a life of faith. Come and learn about how we deepen our faith through five core practices of discipleship (pray, learn, serve, give, and share) followed by an opportunity to share stories of faith. Listen to what God is up to through the sacred art of listening to the stories of our lives. Dinner will be served.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
“Growing Faith along a Path of Discipleship”
9:00am | Chapel & Livestream
All ages are encouraged to attend.
Learn about catalysts of faith and how faith grows across a lifetime, followed by an opportunity to engage in five core practices that deepen faith (pray, learn, serve, give, and share) using the Path of Discipleship phone app. Continental breakfast will be served at 8:30am.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
9:15am | Chapel & Livestream
Holy Eucharist with Music led by St. David’s Choirs. The Rev. Jenifer Gamber will preach.
10:30am | Chapel & Livestream
“Living Faith: Growing Together” Adult Forum with The Rev. Jenifer Gamber. How do we grow as a community where faith matters in everyday life? Learn about how to grow in faith together and practice with path of discipleship cards.
No registration required.
Theologian In Residence Materials
March 25-27, 2022