Rector Transition Prayer

Dear God,

We thank you for the blessing of St. David’s – for our vibrant, soulful, and thoughtful community.

We are grateful for Frank’s loving and wise leadership for the past 26 years. We trust that you will be walking with us every step of the way in our search for our next rector just as you have been under Frank’s guiding leadership.

We ask for open hearts and minds as our search unfolds. We ask for the eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to sense your guidance and inspiration. We ask you to help us imagine as much as think, to listen more than we speak, and to trust the movement of your Holy Spirit throughout this process.

We are grateful, God, to be surrounded always by Your love and we pray that this love will be the foundation of our interactions with one another as our committees do the work they are called to do.

We pray for our parishioners who will be challenged to find comfort with uncertainty over the course of the next year; for our friends who are called as members of the search committees; for the priests we meet through this search as they prayerfully consider if they are called to join us at St. David’s; and, especially, for Frank and Amy as they navigate towards this new stage of life.

Help us, O God, to remember that it is in darkness that new life begins and help us to trust in what we cannot yet see.

In the name of Christ we pray,