Sowing and Reaping in Season

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith. – Galatians 6:9-10

Dear People of St. David’s,

I am sure some of you are reaping, perhaps flowers, or the fruits and vegetables of your gardens. On Sunday afternoon I often see some vegetables in our reception vestibule awaiting transport to the Ardmore Food Cupboard. The careful tilling of the ground, the sowing of seed or planting of seedlings, the sunshine and the watering, even the weeding – all these are in preparation of a hopeful harvest. And it is already happening, all around us! People are emerging from their gardens with extra-large zucchinis and armloads of cherry tomatoes.

Here at St. David’s, the staff is a bit earlier in the growing season: we are sowing. Summer is a planting time. To stretch the working metaphor a bit, we consult with one another about our program offerings for the fall, and for the room space we need, and then we settle down to the actual planning. Time to get out the calendars. How many weeks long is the program? What shall we call it? The most important question: will this be interesting to the people of St. David’s, enough to grow faith and nurture disciples? And the second most important question: what can we cover in the time allotted, and what needs to be left out? Not everything is as important as we might think it is!

Even the regular rounds of Sunday worship services, weddings, and funerals are sowing time. People starved for the assurance of God’s faithfulness and love often hear and experience it at a funeral or a wedding. People who thought they were coming to St. David’s for a one-time service find themselves coming back as visitors. We work together, as the passage from Galatians suggests, not growing weary, but “doing right,” planting a seed for whose growth God alone is responsible.

Summer is also a time for vacations. Having sown the seeds and hopefully not having grown weary, we leave our projects for our own rest and renewal, trusting the germination to God. For sure, not everything flourishes. But the St. David’s staff have worked hard this summer to till the soil and plant the seeds, and then take some rest and time away, so that in September, there might be seedlings to nourish. We will return with refreshed energy. I am excited about the fall and the great fun of new beginnings, coming sooner than we think. I’m also excited about my own upcoming rest and time away. This is the rhythm of the Christian life. May God bless all our sowing, resting, and reaping.


The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton
Associate Rector