2024 Vestry Nominees

2024 Vestry Nominees

Annual Meeting: Sunday, May 5 at 10:30 a.m.

St. David’s will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 5 at 10:30 a.m. Part of the Annual Meeting work is to elect four new Vestry persons to serve four years in leading and supporting the mission and ministry of our church. The Nominating Committee submits to you the following slate of 2024 Vestry Nominees.
Voting will be available online the week of April 28. There will also be paper ballots.

Reid Blynn

Reid attended St. David’s for a portion of his childhood. He returned, after moving back to Radnor Township with his wife and four children, 25 years ago. Since then, St. David’s has been their church home. Reid has been involved in many church activities including the cofounding of the Men’s Bible study, leading the Men’s Fellowship and the Alpha Program, ushering, serving as a lay reader, and most recently, serving on the Parish Profile Committee. Reid has had a career working in commercial real estate. He feels this time of transition at St. David’s is an important time to serve the parish.

Robin Ford

Robin and her husband Michael have been members of St. David’s, where they raised their three sons, for 28 years. She is currently serving on the Discernment Committee, is a member of the Worship Commission and the Advisory Board of St. David’s Episcopal Day School, and is helping with the Welcome & Connect newcomer ministry. In the past, Robin served as chair of the Altar Guild twice and served on the Vestry during the construction of the Chapel. A teacher by trade, Robin can also be found substituting at St. David’s Episcopal Day School and the Shipley School. Robin enjoys attending Bible study, gardening, sewing for Project Ensonga, knitting for the Needlework Guild, and showing pictures of her grandchildren.

Debbie Geffken

Debbie is a lifelong Episcopalian and has been an active member of St. David’s Church for 15 years. She is grateful for becoming a disciple of Jesus through worship at St. David’s. With her involvement in church activities, she hopes to continue to share her light and what she is learning with the members of St. David’s community and beyond. Debbie is currently serving on the property and Christian formation commissions and as part of the Creation Care Team. She participates in Women’s Bible Study, Women’s Fellowship, Foyer Dinner Groups, and she has been on a mission trip to Uganda. Recently she served on the Profile Committee. As Co-chair of St. David’s Arboretum, she is excited about the revitalization of the Arboretum bringing together people for outdoor worship and communing with nature. Debbie has a professional background in investments, business development, professional education, and training. Debbie lives in Haverford where she raised her family. Her daughter, Currie, lives in San Francisco and her son, Andrew, his wife, Katie, and their 6-year-old daughter, Genevieve, live in Washington, D.C.

Andrew Kuhn

Andrew Kuhn has spent almost his entire adult life at St. David’s. Many of you have watched him grow up here: from the single, curly-haired youth minister to a now rapidly aging father of four. This church and community have been the one thing that stood the test of time and was a reliable lighthouse for Andrew, and his family, throughout the years. Love is the word that he uses to describe all the people that make up St. David’s. Andrew is an education consultant at Montgomery County Intermediate Unit and an affiliate professor at Eastern University. His specialties are learning and formation, systems and structures, and empowering others. In addition to previously working at St. David’s, Andrew worked for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania and traveled nationally and internationally on numerous mission trips. These combined experiences have provided Andrew with a unique perspective of the depth and breadth of St. David’s mission and purpose in the world.